

How can I support your writing goals?

Writing accountability group

Conspiracy of Writers is an online writing group designed to get you writing with the support of like-minded people.

YouTube channel & podcast

Write Angles YouTube channel and podcast offers a range of topics from author interviews to writing tips and motivation.

Online critique group

Write Angles critique group is a safe and supportive space to share your writing, and give and receive constructive feedback.

Conspiracy of Writers

Writing Accountability Group

Who would’ve thought that sitting in a Zoom room with a range of other writers, on mute, would help you get your writing done?

It does.

Our Conspiracy of Writers group meets every Thursday evening to ‘get the job done’. Come on when you’re ready, let us know what your goal for the evening is, then stay as long as you like until you’ve achieved your goal.

As a bonus, I am on tap for any quick questions you need help with. And – there’s always the group for motivation, inspiration and brainstorming.

Writing does not always have to be a solitary pursuit.

YouTube Channel

Write Angles Press ~ Writing ‘n’ Stuff

It’s amazing how many little tips and nuggets of wisdom you can pick up when you’ve been in the writing and editing game for a while. And there’s no point in keeping it all to yourself.

My YouTube channel is the place to go for book reviews, hints and tips, author/illustrator interviews, teaching ideas (and ideas for teaching notes) and other general information about ‘writing ‘n’ stuff’.

I welcome people in the industry (authors, illustrators, graphic designers, booksellers …) who would like to share their own ‘inside knowledge’ or even just talk about themselves and what they do for a bit.

Write Angles Critique Group

Online via Facebook

Having your work critiqued by other writers can be scary but it is incredibly valuable when it comes to finetuning your ideas or fixing that one thing that is niggling you.

Learning how to give a critique is equally as valuable because not only are you helping another writer, you’re also honing your knowledge of the craft.

Write Angles Critique Group operates through Facebook. Every member is placed in a small group of writers (no more than 6 in a group) and has the opportunity to post one piece of writing each round, with the expectation they will critique each of the other members.

In addition, members can post questions and celebrations whenever they wish, AND we meet once a month via Zoom to connect and chat about all things writing and publishing.

Our members range from fledgling writers who are just starting out, through to published authors. At the end of the day, though, we all want to improve our drafts.